Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day EIGHTEEN 18.1.12


I LOVE LOVE LOVE these two little cherubs. I love that there already seems to be a strong bond growing between them. I love the moment that has been captured here and the sincerest and most innocent of adoration in both of their eyes.
Marli, you are a truly nurturing soul. You are so helpful and interested in your little sister, always ensuring that you do not forget to give her kisses when you go to bed at night and always telling us to pick her up if she lies awake in her cradle.


  1. it's beautiful how they want to help so much and be involved.

  2. Oh you truly have a beautiful big sister there! What a sweet picture :)

  3. I think that was one of my favourite things about having a 2nd child, watching their relationship blossom. :)

  4. Oh my, how precious and beautiful. Such a gorgeous shot! Youre so lucky!

  5. That's so beautiful. I love that Marli is so caring and kind. xx
